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The Easiest Popcorn Gift You Can Give

The Easiest Popcorn Gift You Can Give

Easy popcorn gifts that are "Secret Santa Approved" and that is what Cravings Gourmet popcorn is about. We like to keep is simple. Why complicate things. Of course we have popcorn gifts in many flavors and prices. Check out our Christmas flavors.

"Stocking Stuffer Cards" are a great way to put popcorn into a stocking, greeting card or add-on to any gift. It is a punch card gift certificate. The receiver gets to choose the popcorn they like and they can get it when they want to get it. That's easy!

Movie theater popcorn gift card

For $15, you can give someone five "Hulk Bags" of Buttery Movie Popcorn. A retail value of $27.50. Each bag is 22 cups huge. That's a lot of popcorn.

Gourmet popcorn gift card

For $20, you can give someone five "Tall Bags" of gourmet popcorn. We have 15 flavors in stock and almost 20 mixes available. Each bag is 10 cups and regularly retail for almost $28.

Gourmet popcorn gift card

The ultimate popcorn gift certificate is only $25. An awesome gift for a true popcorn lover. There are four "Big Bags" (16 cups each) and one "Hulk Bag" (22 cups). Any of our nearly 30 flavors at anytime. Retail value of over $37.

All are available in-store only to use at both locations.

p.s. Don't forget about the "Popcorn of the Month Club" cards. Also a great gift idea.

Cravings Gourmet Popcorn is located at 1220 Turner Street in Old Town and 109 S. Washington Square downtown.

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